Saturday, August 22, 2009

Painting Grams Livingroom

Gram wants to repaint her living/dining room with the sponge technique, so I took her to Home Depot to get paint colors. She wanted Browns and Golds.

So we started with the 2 base coats she liked and we broke it into squares so that we could experiment with the top colors she liked.

This was the first square. She didn't like how dark it is, so we kept going.

This is what the wall looked like after we tried out all of the colors she liked. (Her faves are the top right 2)
It's a lot of work, but I had lots of fun doing, she watched the kids while I did it, so I had some time to myself :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

New School Backpacks

After looking at tons of backpacks (and their prices) I figured that I didn't want to spend that much money on a backpack for a kindergartener, when the chances are that it won't be used for anything very heavy for such a young girl. So, when I walked through the grocery store today and saw a cheap ($4) plain black backpack, I thought...perfect! So I bought 2. I forgot to take pictures of the before though! I decorated them in my girls favorite color ribbons.

Pink and sparkly is totally my 5 year old! So, that's what she got! Lots of pink, lots of sparkle and of course the bling!

My 2 year old is all about yellow, she's not quite as into all the sparkle, so hers is toned down. But perfect for her likes! If she wants more color or sparkle, I'll be glad to add more, but I think she'll be happy.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

My Scarf

Here is the scarf that I crocheted for myself. I love the fuzzy soft feel!

(It's made out of the Fun Fur yarn)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Wind Spinners

We made our own wind spinners out of paper plates to show the wind outside.

We started with a plain white paper plate

Then we colored them with crayons. (We didn't use markers because in Washington the air is so damp, I didn't want the colors to run!) Color the whole plate though since it will be cut.
After the plate is colored, cut it from the outside spiraling in to the center. Leave the center big enough to punch a whole in the center.

Tie a ribbon, string or yarn through the hole in the center

Tie it up outside and wait for the wind!

Friday, August 14, 2009


I have started to teach myself to crochet. I bought myself a beginners book and some yarn and made my girls scarves. I'm currently making one for myself out of the fuzzy fur yarn. But here's the completed ones.